Sunday, July 30, 2017

The world would come to an end if she failed with him. The undying spirit in her, for the umpteenth time, she bargained with the fruit-seller to sell that three Kg of Himsagar worth hundred and fifty, for hundred and twenty rupees; she had to be careful - these days you could not quite trust anybody. Finally, the wiry-framed greasy haired fruit-seller gave up.

I kind of remembered my childhood. The school, the friends, the neighborhood, the smell of the football field after the first showers of the monsoons, the pujas, the visits to Flurys, the visits to Shiraz, the egg-rolls, the cricket matches and the weekly visits to the market - I remembered them all. But, most of all, I remembered my mother. I remembered her for all the fun we had together, for the support we were to each other, for the friend she had been, and for providing me with everything I asked for, that I couldn't to my dad.

One day, after I came back home, just after my final semesters got over, dad broke the news. My mother was sick and she was holding on to it for sometime now. She didn't want my education/ studies to get impacted. I couldn't hold back my tears. It was not supposed to be like this, I thought. It was supposed to be different.

She was a bit nervous as the day of the marriage drove nearer and nearer. Being the practical person she was, she realized that no matter how much she loved me and vice-versa, it would indeed take a fair bit of adjusting for the life ahead. Everybody got busy with the marriage. No one would notice anything different with her. It appeared she had withdrawn into a shell and despised communicating with people, except me. And thus began a new life. How much I would love to be like her where in I could see my happiness in someone else's. Life has always been a balancing act and it continues to be that way even today.

Hello Life !

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