Saturday, June 26, 2010

When dreams turn real!

I gazed at her in incomprehension as I tried t recall our last encounter. Now that it has come to such a point that staying apart for even some time is so difficult, whenever I see her I always feel like asking – will you stay like this – forever? I am in a situation where getting an answer to these questions is also a luxury that I could not afford. And yet human soul cannot be restricted by the practicalities of a regular life.

Fragments of thought keep crowding my head and it is then that I need to pull myself away from the profound dominance of the fantasy land. Ours was not a relationship that could afford sudden unplanned expressions of love. The expressions got lost or buried by the obligations whatever they were. It’s one life and everyone is allowed a couple of mistakes, if they are mistakes at all. Who can predict the future, or for that matter why is that important? When we keep brooding over the past and get worried about the future, why do we not enjoy the present so that when we move to the future it is this piece of the present world that stays with us as good memories.

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